Summary of July '24

July was transformative for Earn Network, with major integrations, new partnerships, and expanded staking options.

Summary of July '24


July was a transformative month for Earn Network, featuring major integrations, new partnerships, and enhanced functionalities. We've expanded our staking options, boosted community rewards, and made significant progress in our prediction markets product. These developments continue to strengthen our platform, providing more opportunities for users and projects. Dive into our latest updates and see how we're driving innovation and growth.

Key Numbers 📊

  1. There are currently 5,010 holders of the $EARN token on-chain, marking a significant milestone of 5,000 holders! 🚀
  2. Our platform saw a transactional volume of $15,024,996.12 with 6,893 stakers, underscoring the high engagement in our platform. 👥
  3. The Earn Network's TVL is $2,1M highlighting the platform's influence and the community's trust in its staking features. 🏦
  4. The Earn Network's DeFi Staking platform currently supports 68 diverse tokens, with over 350 rewards, alongside 15 NFT staking initiatives with 55 rewards. 🌟
  5. During Airdrop Season 2, the Earn Network community jointly collected over 486,000 Earn Points. Impressively, the leading participant alone secured over 12,560 points, converting to more than $1,227, thus highlighting significant rewards which active involvement can bring on the platform. 💰

Development Highlights 📈

🟢 Aleph Zero Integration

In July, we successfully integrated Aleph Zero as a first WASM base layer chain on our platform. This significant enhancement allows users to create staking pools for tokens and NFTs, and offer rewards under any existing pool. Designed to strengthen the both ecosystems, this integration provides more opportunities for Aleph Zero tokens and NFTs to reward their community while expanding the multi-chain capabilities of our platform. This move not only supports the community, but also enriches our network with another robust blockchain.

Integrating Aleph Zero with Earn Network: Enhancing DeFi and NFT Staking
The integration of Aleph Zero with the Earn Network marks a substantial enhancement of our platform’s capabilities, introducing advanced token and NFT staking opportunities for a highly dynamic community.

🪙 $EARN listing in Cronos DeFi Wallet

In July, the $EARN token was officially listed in the Cronos DeFi Wallet. This integration allows users to easily find, trade, and manage $EARN tokens directly within the wallet, enhancing accessibility and supporting the growing $EARN ecosystem.

🌐 Cronos Connect Integration

Earn Network has been integrated into Cronos Connect, a comprehensive portal for all Cronos-based projects. Now, every asset with a staking pool on our platform is clearly displayed on Cronos Connect with information on remaining rewards, total staked and percentage of supply staked. In addition, users can filter to see only projects listed on our network, increasing visibility and accessibility for stakers.

Earn Network Join Forces with Cronos Connect to Provide Staking Data
Earn Network is thrilled to announce its collaboration with Cronos Connect Portal, integrating Earn Network’s staking solutions directly into Cronos Connect’s comprehensive project directory.

👩🏻‍💻 Prediction Markets final touches

In July, we made significant progress on our prediction markets, pushing the final stages of testing and preparing for a launch in August. This marks the last step in the development process, bringing us to the finish line. Additionally, we published an article detailing our prediction markets and how they differ from Polymarket, the current leading platform in the space. This article highlights our unique features and sets the stage for our innovative launch next month.

Earn Network vs. Polymarket: Prediction Markets Capability and Revenue Potential
Prediction markets are gaining popularity in blockchain, with Earn Network set to launch its own. This article compares Polymarket and Earn Network, highlighting Earn’s unique features like utility NFTs, decentralized market creation, and multi-chain support.

🔍 RWA Product R&D

We've completed in-depth research into Real-World Assets (RWA) to ensure that our upcoming RWA product is of the highest quality. After numerous calls and meetings with notable experts in this space, we're right now drafting the plan of implementation of the RWA. Such efforts include company formation, legal documents, user journeys and more. Seamless integration of real-world assets into the Earn Network ecosystem provides users with more diverse and valuable earning options. Stay tuned for updates as we work towards delivering an innovative and competitive RWA product.

🆕 New Staking Pools

- Osaka Protocol ($OSAK) on BNB Chain
- CornHub ($CORNHUB) on Cronos
- CrowWithKnife2 ($CAW2.0) on Cronos
- PAPACRO ($PAPACRO) on Cronos
- CorgiAI ($CORGIAI) on Cronos
- Wrapped CRO ($WCRO) on Cronos
- JEDI ($JEDI) on Cronos
- Cryptoholic ($HOLIC) on Cronos
- Azero Kebab ($KEBAB) on Aleph Zero
- KittyCatCroMeow ($KITTY) on Cronos
- 99 Bottles of Bear ($NBB) on Cronos
- Moonshine Bear ($MSB) on Cronos

Saber NFT on Cronos
- BabyRyoshiOG on Cronos
- Caw2.0 Chronicles on Cronos
- Cryptopops on BNB Chain

Community Growth 👥

🎁 $WCRO Staking Campaigns with various entities

In July, we launched the $WCRO (wrapped $CRO) staking pool, marking the beginning of several collaborative campaigns with notable entities such as CroSkull, pampa.cro, PUUSH, Caw 2.0, CRONAN, FFTB, Tex, and Aryioshin. These campaigns are designed to enhance user engagement by requiring participants to complete specific SoQuest tasks to unlock rewards automatically. This initiative not only incentivizes staking but also strengthens the partnerships within the Cronos ecosystem, providing users with diverse opportunities to earn and participate actively.

SoQuest - Stake wrapped $CRO with the best rates
By completing a few simple tasks of each campaign, the community can unlock special flexible $WCRO rewards attached to the $WCRO…

📽️ Earn Network and CornHub Animation Collaboration

Earn Network has partnered with CornHub to create a funny animation featuring our platform and Cronos partnering projects. The animation is now available on CornHub's platform and YouTube, highlighting our innovative approach and strong partnerships within the Cronos ecosystem.

💰 $EARN Token Rewards for Cronos Memecoins

To further support the communities staking on Earn Network, we have added rewards in the form of $EARN tokens to the top Cronos memecoin staking pools. This initiative aims to enhance the staking experience and provide additional incentives for users participating in these pools. Enjoy the boosted rewards and continue supporting your favorite Cronos memecoins on Earn Network.

🌐 $EARN Tokens Utilities Article

We recently published an insightful article detailing the current and future utilities of the $EARN token within the Earn Network ecosystem and beyond. This comprehensive guide helps users stay informed about how $EARN is growing in its applications and benefits, ensuring that holders and potential investors can see the expanding value and potential of the token.

$EARN Token - Current and upcoming utilities and why it’s poised for unstoppable growth
The $EARN token is essential to the Earn Network, driving user engagement and enhancing product value. As the platform grows, $EARN will continue to unlock new features and benefits, cementing its pivotal role in the project’s success.

Earn Network's Ecosystem

As always, we would love to hear your feedback. If there's something we can improve, please let us know.

Below, you can find the summary from June '24.

Summary of June ’24
June was a transformative month for Earn Network, highlighted by the launch of the $EARN token on the Cronos chain, a seamless bridge for Ethereum-Cronos token exchange, and new staking pools for $EARN and $EARN/$WCRO LP tokens.