DeFi Staking: Guide for Ram Protocol (RAM) staking pools

With the launch of Ram Protocol staking pools, Earn Network is excited to offer users seamless earning services. Check out the quick step-by-step guide to start staking through our easy-to-follow process.

DeFi Staking: Guide for Ram Protocol (RAM) staking pools
DeFi Staking: Guide for Ram Protocol (RAM) staking pools

The alliance between Earn Network and Ram Protocol has enabled us to launch DeFi Staking pools on the ThunderCore chain.

How to start staking Ram Protocol (RAM)?

Now, we will walk you through the simple process of interactions with Ram Protocol DeFi Staking pools, so you can easily stake your tokens and earn yield in a decentralized manner.

1. Go to the Ram Protocol offers pages.

2. Click “Connect Wallet” - the MetaMask modal will appear. Right after connecting, you’ll be able to check your account balance together with funds that interact with our DeFi Staking pool.

NOTE: The first wallet supported by our platform is MetaMask. Make sure you have your funds there (RAM and TT for fees) on the appropriate network supported by our pools.

3. Select the offer of your interest and click the “Stake” button next to it.

4. After clicking “Stake” a window will pop up. The next step is to input the number of tokens you wish to stake. Now you need to click “Approve RAM” as a first transaction, set the spending amount and then confirm it with your MetaMask wallet.

5. After the approval transaction is completed, click on the “Stake” button and confirm it again with your MetaMask wallet.

6. Congratulations! You have successfully staked your RAM tokens.

NOTE: You can always check the summary of your staked funds together with pending and available to claim rewards at the Wallet component.

Liquid marketplace for yield earning opportunities.